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The 10 Privacy Principles of PIPEDA – Accuracy

Last updated on January 30, 2016

The sixth principle of the 10 Privacy Principles of PIPEDA is Accuracy.


The principle of Accuracy states that an organization should ensure that the personal information it collects should be accurate, complete, and up-to-date for the purposes for which it is being used.

How Accurate?

An organization should ensure that personal information is accurate, taking into consideration what the personal information is being used for and also taking into consideration the best interests of the individuals.

For example, if an organization collects personal information to conduct pre-employment screening, it should ensure that it makes a serious effort to ensure its accuracy. Not making reasonable strides to ensure the collection of accurate personal information means that an individual’s employment could be at stake.

Updating Personal Information

An organization shall not routinely update personal information unless it was collected for a purpose that requires its continual use. This also includes information that is disclosed to third parties.

For example, if customers or clients provide their contact information to subscribe to a company’s newsletter, it would be reasonable to ensure that personal information is routinely updated so that the organization can continue to provide subscriptions.

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